MJ’s Photography is a boutique studio and a Fulshear TX newborn photography that services the Katy, Cypress, Fulshear, and Houston area.
Luxury newborn photographer- Katy Texas
From your little’s ones fresh hair to their tiny newborn toes, I will capture every detail.
These precious details look so perfect in a gorgeous album. I have searched endlessly to provide my clients with the most exquisite Heirloom products for their portraits.
Here is a Leather Heirloom album in Distressed Moccasin. On the cover you have the choice to include your sweet baby’s name embossed.
Sweet baby Blake was the absolute sweetest bear. I love being able to create a newborn portrait that will be proudly displayed in their home. Mommy gets to stare at this sweet face every day. <3
Fulshear TX newborn photography servicing Katy, Fulshear, Cypress, Sugar Land, Sealy, and the greater Houston area.
Mommy wanted this pose so bad. Little Blake was such a doll, he just fell right asleep in this little newborn bed.
MJ includes all props and outfits for her newborn session. Hair and Makeup is also included for mommas.
MJ-A boutique photography studio, delivering fine art portraiture to Houston Texas
Sweet newborn Blake with the sweetest wrinkles.
Drew is now the sweetest big brother to Blake. Do not be fooled, this portrait was no easy task. Big brother wanted to ride around a tricycle instead of take pictures, I mean who wouldn’t.
Are they not the most gorgeous family you have seen? I’m so in love with their portraits!
Daddy is a State Trooper in the Galveston / Houston area. You guessed it, we had to include a setup with all of his gear. I’m so in love with how they turned out.
Are you looking for a Fulshear TX newborn photography? Schedule your design consultation today.
It is never to early to book. I am booking into January of 2024.
MJ’s Photography is one of Fulshear best newborn photographers in the Houston area. MJ specializes in newborn, maternity, and family portraits.
This sweet little guy came to the studio at one month and he did AMAZING! All cozy in a bucket.
Momma wanted some formal family portraits, sibling images, and of course some of him by himself.
Look how gorgeous momma is with her babies! One of each, how perfect.
Miss Marley is the best big sister. She was happy to hold her baby brother and gave me all of the smiles.
Fulshear best newborn photographers – MJ
What is cuter than a baby in a bear hat? Nothing. Just look how sweet he looks all folded up.
I always love awake shots. Getting those little eyes looking at the camera, is just the sweetest. Then he grabbed his little foot and I melted. He is so perfect.
His little cheeks. Oh so sweet.
Want to book? Message me now (Fulshear best newborn photographers )
It is never to early to book. I am booking into August of 2019.
MJ’s Photography captures First birthday photography near Katy. MJ specializes in newborn, maternity, and family portraits. MJ services the Houston area for all your portrait needs.
I have been photographing sweet Charlie since before he was born. It’s always an honor to be chosen to capture a family as they grow.
His favorite song right now is Baby shark. Daddy started singing and Charlie was dancing. Look at those little teeth!
He was so happy this morning. I just love this closeup.
Look at him standing up! When did he get so big? 🙁
Look at his eyes here! He is gorgeous! If you are looking for Cypress photography in the Houston area, contact me now.
I love when mommy and daddy want to join in. Look how sweet this family is.
That look on Charlies face while Daddy is holding him up! I love it.
Look at that smirk with his mommy.
Cake time! Charlie devoured his cake. We eventually had to take it away, he would have eaten it all!
Cypress photography – MJ’s Photography
So happy eating his cake.
Look at that smile! He loved smashing his cake.
“God makes them, I just capture them.” Jme portraits
MJ | First birthday photography near Katy – featuring cake smash
Want to book a family session? Message me now
It is never to early to book. I am booking into August 2019.
MJ’s Photography – Fulshear best newborn photography
Sophie Rose was perfect for her newborn portrait session. I knew when she looked at me, this was going to be my favorite. Just look at that little face. Mom said she always makes this face!
Those perfect little lips. <3
That perfect little yawn. I tried so hard to capture it, mom wanted a yawn so bad!
Just look! Beautiful sisters.
Big brothers turn. He was a little easier to capture 😉
First family portrait. <3 They are perfect.
I love portraits with just mom and dad with their new baby.
I always love this angle with dad. It shows just how small they are in daddy’s hands. They will never again fit into your hands this way.
Potato sack pose is my favorite! It shows her perfect little face. The rose headband is a perfect touch for Sophie Rose. Want to see a maternity session?
Sophie Rose is a rainbow baby. A rainbow baby is a baby born after a loss.
MJ’s Photography | Fort Bend newborn photographer | Katy newborn photographer
MJ’s Photography is a boutique and full service photography studio that specializes in Maternity and Newborn photos. My studio is a home based studio that is located in the Fulshear and Katy area.
Aubree- 6 days new MJ’s Photography | Fort Bend newborn photographer
Bow by https://www.etsy.com/shop/LuckyCrickets
Miss Aubree was a doll during her newborn portrait session with MJ’s Photography. She was so full of beautiful smiles. Aubree had a head full of dark hair and the sweetest little dimple every time that she would smile. Her family traveled a couple of hours for her newborn session and I am so glad they did!
She rocked her “potato sack” pose. (seen above) That pose is just my favorite because it lets you see their little faces in all their glory!
Big sister Ansley is such a happy and easy-going toddler. She was full of smiles, laughter, and fun. She adores her baby sister and was very eager to hold her for some sibling photos. Sibling photos are not always quite this easy with young toddlers.
We did some family photos before we started Aubree’s newborn session. We were tucked away in the shade in a nice little field.
Such a gorgeous family with two beautiful girls!
MJ’s Photography | Fort Bend newborn photographer
After we did some outdoor family portraits, we moved inside for some sibling photos as well as Aubree’s newborn portraits. Ansley and Aubree did so well! I just adore this sweet moment.
Aubree went into each pose and even smiled for quite a few. Doesn’t she look perfect in this mustard bow?
MJ’s Photography | Sugarland best newborn photographer. MJ services the Houston and Sugarland areas for all your newborn and maternity needs.
MJ’s Newborn Photography | Sugar land best newborn photographer
I first met the Beck family when their oldest baby girl was just 8 months old! Mommy booked a “Mommy and Me ” portrait session and they turned out beautiful! She is now almost two and they have welcomed baby Brayden into their family! I just love getting to photograph family’s as they grow.
How perfect does he look as a squishy little bear at his newborn session? He was knocked out at this point in his newborn session, he didn’t even make a peep! I can’t even handle it! (Don’t worry this is a composite, he was very safe during the entire shot) (Hat made by Handmade by Lori)
He was born a couple days after Independence day, so a patriotic setup was necessary! Mommy came prepared with the red, white, and blue stars and baby Brayden allowed me to pose him up in just the sweetest little curl.
He was so sweet during his newborn session. I was so excited to put him into one of my new little boy outfits from Kissing Frog. It fit him perfectly! And just look at those gorgeous little eyelashes! <3
MJ’s Photography | Sugarland best newborn photographer
Look at those little bitty feet! Baby feet and baby toes are oh so sweet. I just love this newborn pose because it shows off his little toes, little fingers, and of course his face!
Here are some more favorites from Brayden’s newborn portrait session. His lips and cheeks are just so squishy!
MJ does Newborn photography katy tx. I was scrolling through a moms group on Facebook one evening when I saw a post by a mother who had delivered her baby girl at 26 weeks. I had just recently moved to the area and didn’t know a lot of people, but I saw her post and I knew instantly that I wanted to offer to drive to Austin from Katy, Texas to photograph sweet Fay in the NICU. Right away Krystal responded with a yes! There were only certain times that Fay could be held. At 1 pound, you can imagine how fragile she was. If I am remembering correctly, it was around 11:30am when I got there. I remember scrubbing in to go into the NICU, talking to Fay’s dad beforehand, and then the first time I saw her. She was so tiny. She looked like a Barbie doll. But oh was she beautiful. I could see the personality in her right away! When Krystal finally got to hold her sweet girl, she busted into tears, which I did capture. What you don’t see, is me crying as well. I enjoy photographing newborns, this was a first for me.
Fay’s mom, Krystal, wrote a little bit about Fay’s story.
“Fay was born March 17, 2015 weighing only 1 lb 13 oz and 13 inches long. She was born at 26 weeks which is 14 weeks early. She spent 98 days in the NICU at St. Davids Medical Center in Austin. During that time she had 4 blood transfusion, was brought back to life on day 2, had a tear in her esophagus, was on a c-pap, NG tube to help her eat, got staff, and scolding skin. Fay stayed strong and on June 22, 2015 she came home. After bringing her home she had 3-4 doctors appointments a day until December of 2015. Fay had a NG tube(feeding tube) placed placed in September due to the fact that she was not growing as much as she should. After going through many different tests and seeing multiple doctors, the conclusion was made that Fay was going to be a slow growing baby. She would only gain 6-8 grams a day (average 20-30 grams a day) and had the NG tube removed. Now during all of this Fay has grown and developed beyond what anyone thought she ever would. She is eating one her own, crawling, has one doctors appointment a week, and is slowly catching up with babies her age. Some of her favorite things to do are feeding herself, chasing her two dogs around the house, getting into whatever she can, splashing in the bath, being read and sang to, and most of all she loves exploring the world around her. It truly is a blessing to get to watch her grow and become her own person.”
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
I had kept in contact with them after the session and we discussed her newborn session. I was so excited to be her Newborn photography katy tx. After Fay’s 98 days in the NICU, she finally came home. That very next day, they brought her to my in-home studio for her newborn portrait session. I was overjoyed to see her and enjoyed her session so much! I finally got to hold her!
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Fast forward to now. I was honored to be chosen as the Newborn photography katy tx to capture Fay’s First Birthday portraits. She was born on St. Patricks day, which you will see in her portraits. We took them in a gorgeous field in Katy, Texas. She is 14 pounds and doing great!
Here are some images from her First Birthday and Cake smash session!