MJ’s Photography- Houston family photographer

Momma took the time to write out a letter to her sweet son….cue the tears!

A letter to my son.
I cannot express to you enough how much I love you and how much better my life is with you in it. I have been hoping and praying for you since before you were even born. Before I was even in high school, I knew in my heart I would be a mother someday. Even more so than that, I knew my heart would be filled through adoption. As a child myself, I dreamed of who you might be. I imagined life with you. I imagined what your first steps would be like. I imagined what our bedtime routine would be. I imagined how loving and kind you would be. Before I was a foster mom, I knew someday I would be your forever mom, I just did not know you yet. Every single day through the licensing process I held onto the hope and prayer that someday my forever child would come through those doors. Through each high and low of fostering, I held onto that truth that you were out there somewhere.

In April of 2019 I received the message, “blind 2-year-old in shelter needs home.” I did not know if you were a boy or girl, what you looked like, or who you would be. I did not know then that you would be forever. All I knew that was that a child needed a home, and something in my heart told me without a doubt my home was yours. The first picture I received of you was a hospital picture as you were very sick. I studied every inch of your face and how beautiful you were. I looked at your picture each night and prayed for your healing and that you would thrive in my home as I awaited your arrival. My heart ached that you were in the hospital without a mom to hold your hand.

In May you finally moved in, but by then you already had my heart. From the day you arrived I struggled with the idea that you would someday leave and began to pray we would both be at peace however your case ended. From the second I saw you I knew there was something different about you. Everything in me knew you were meant to be my son. The worker who dropped you off from the shelter was in awe at how quickly you clung to me and snuggled into my chest. He explained that no one had been able to touch you because you were too scared, and that you must have sensed something in me to feel safe so quickly. I like to believe you sensed that I was meant to be your mom, too. Every second from that day forward was filled with joy. Even on our hardest days you radiated joy. Over the next year, I felt a wholeness in my heart that I never knew existed before – like everything was truly right.

In March of 2020, the biggest relief imaginable came when the judge ordered we move to adoptions! This child who I had imagined and dreamed of, this child who I prayed so hard for, this child who I hoped for each and every day, you were here! At first it was so surreal and almost seemed impossible… What I knew in my heart for the past year was finally a reality. Just 6 months later our adoption was finalized! September 29, 2020 will always be the day the light of my life became my forever son. I can not fathom life without you. Every single time I look at you I am in awe at how perfect you are. Every smile and every laugh ignites joy beyond measure in my heart. Every night I hold you as you drift off to sleep I am overwhelmed with feelings of peace. Every step you take, every milestone you reach, every new skill you learn, I am inspired. You are everything. I am beyond grateful to call myself your mom, and will wake up each day for the rest of my life blessed with your presence and excited to see what adventure awaits us!
With all the love in the world,

Here are some more pictures from Junie’s adoption session! We travelled to San Antonio to capture these in front of the Court house that his adoption should have been at! Sadly Corona made it virtual.
Houston family photographer
Junie is seriously the sweetest little boy I have ever met. He kept running up to me and asking for a hug. You are just drawn to his kind and caring soul.
These in front of the courthouse are so special! I adore how these turned out.
His smiles are priceless.
Junie LOVESSSS his matcha drink. So what did we do after the session? We went to STARBUCKS! He was so excited!