Handcrafted Heirloom Box – Portfolio Collection Cypress Texas photographer

Handcrafted Heirloom Box – Portfolio Collection Cypress Texas photographer

Handcrafted Heirloom box- Storhttps://youtu.be/UNCQyf3uwBEe your portraits perfectly.

Don’t have a lot of wall space? This is a stunning way to store your most valued portraits. Our unique Heirloom portfolio box.

Cypress Texas photographer

Your printed portraits deserve to be displayed as cherished gifts. Our Portfolio Boxes are beautifully designed to have a luxurious soft touch material on the interior.

Family Portraits August Lakes Katy

Exteriors range from premium wood displayed in our favorite walnut finish to our soft touch faux leather material. Multiple colors are available.

Katy Branding Photographer
houston photographer katy photographer cypress photographer the woodlands photographer spring photographer sugar land photographer
Houston boutique photographer

Your matted prints may be nested within or brought out for display throughout your home. Experiencing one image at a time is a special pleasure, luxuriating memories that surround it.

houston photographer katy photographer cypress photographer the woodlands photographer spring photographer sugar land photographer

Our Handcrafted Heirloom boxes come with the selection of 16 matted portraits or 25 matted portraits. Each portrait comes with a complimentary high resolution digital. The best thing is, the more you buy, the more you save.

Our Heirloom boxes are imported from Europe. The quality is second to none. It is a stunning and unique way to display your gorgeous portraits.

Fulshear Family photographer
houston photographer katy photographer cypress photographer the woodlands photographer spring photographer sugar land photographer
Cypress Texas photographer
Cross creek ranch photographer
katy family photographer
Walnut Heirloom Box with glass frame
weston lakes maternity photographer
west u family photographer

Want to learn more? Contact me below to set up a free consultation to see which product is best for you and your portraits.

Cypress Photographer- Cypress Texas photographer


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Cypress TX newborn photography

MJ’s Photography is one of Cypress TX newborn photography located in the Houston area. MJ services the Houston area including Katy, Cypress, Sugar Land, Pear Land, Deer Park, The Woodlands, and Spring.

Fulshear best newborn photographer

Little Hunter came to studio at a little over a week old. He did so well for his session! We got a great mixture of sleepy, squishy shots, as well as some awake shots. Of course I had to include hunter green in his set up!

Cypress TX newborn photography

Mom loved both the black and white and the color of this one. There is something about the black and white that just draws me in.

Cypress TX best newborn photographer

Look at that face! I cannot handle it. That little foot, those fingers, and that expression! I love this one so much. Mom got this one in a wood block for his nursery. Awake shots are always some of my favorites. Their little personalities peek out.

Katy's best newborn photographer

Mom told me that she loved the bucket shots during our consultation. So I got a couple different poses on the bucket for her! Look at those little fingers.

Houston TX best newborn photographer

Awww look at that little face! The bucket shots show you how small they truly are. He is a doll!

Cypress TX newborn photography
MJ’s Photography – Cypress TX best newborn photographer

Seriously this pose gets me every time. Look how sweet his little face is! (This pose is always done safely)

MJ  |  Cypress TX newborn photography

Want to book a newborn session? Message me now

It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2019.

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Email me: [email protected]

Katy best newborn photography

MJ’s Photography is the Katy best newborn photography

Katy best newborn photography

Donovan was such a sweet baby to photograph. His little cheeks and lips were just perfect.

This one is just a favorite of mine. He is so perfect. Little boys in blue are just the cutest. I love the darkness of this one and the little highlights on his tiny nose.

Katy best newborn photography

Donovan was awake for the first part of his session and I loved the turn out. Look at those perfect eyes. I never stress if the babies don’t want to sleep, those are always favorites.

Katy best newborn photography

This little tushy up pose is just the cutest. Look how perfect his rolls are!

Katy best newborn photography

He wasn’t the biggest fan of his naked shots, but I’m so glad we got some! He is just perfection. Those tiny newborn toes!

MJ’s Photography – Katy best newborn photography

Katy best newborn photography

Here are Donovan’s very first family portraits. Ah isn’t his hair perfect.

Katy best newborn photography
Look at those gorgeous eyes.

Donovan and Daddy. Isn’t she gorgeous?

Katy best newborn photography
Katy best newborn photography

Little Donovan’s newborn portraits with his Dad. Isn’t mommy beautiful?

Katy best newborn photography

Safe in his daddy’s arms.

Katy best newborn photography

One proud Daddy. Look at these two.

Katy best newborn photography

Look how tiny little Donovan is. He is fitting in a normal size bucket.

Katy best newborn photography
Katy best newborn photography
Little smile – Katy best newborn photography

Oh he’s perfect in every single way. From his head to his toes. Speaking of toes, look how adorable those little newborn toes are.

Katy best newborn photography

MJ  |  Katy best newborn photography

Want to book a newborn session? Message me now

It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2025.

Visit MJ’s Photography


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Email me: [email protected]

Fulshear family photography

MJ’s Photography does Fulshear family photography in the Katy area.

Fulshear family photography

I love capturing family portraits. This family drove 4 hours one way for their portraits! I have captured Eliana and Gage since it was just them two, now look at them.

Eliana and Gage are the amazing couple that flew me to Jamaica to capture their wedding.

Here are these are two. Zayden and Landon are the cutest little boys.

Fulshear family photography

Zayden was all about pictures! He was such a ham.

Fulshear family photography
Fulshear family photography

Look how cute he is with mom.

Fulshear family photography

Landon was a typical two year and ran all over! We captured some adorable images of him. Just look at that little face!

Fulshear family photography
Fulshear family photography

I couldn’t help it. Look at that adorable crying face.

Fulshear family photography

I love this one of them all. Fulshear family photography

Fulshear family photography

Baby photographer Sugar land

MJ’s Photography is a Baby photographer sugar land.

Baby photographer sugar land

I love photographing newborns. Being chosen to capture a little one’s very first portraits is such an honor. These portraits will be cherished for years to come. Knowing that their children’s children will look upon these portraits, reminds me that their portraits have to be perfect!

Baby photographer sugar land

Kooper is such a doll. His skin tone is perfect with the cream and tan neutrals.

Little Kooper slept perfectly for his session. This potato sack pose is my favorite. His little fingers and those little lips.

Baby photographer sugar land

That little side profile is just perfect. Look how perfect those lips are!

Baby photographer sugar land – MJ’s Photography

Baby photographer sugar land

Look at those perfect little back rolls.

Baby photographer sugar land

Oh I adore this profile portrait of Kooper. It shows off his perfect details.

Baby photographer sugar land

This may be my favorite newborn portrait of Koopers. Look at his perfect toes!

Are you looking for a newborn portrait photographer in the Houston, Sugar Land, Cypress area? Contact me now to book!

I customize every session to exactly what you want. You can only capture this time once.

Baby photographer sugar land
Baby photographer sugar land

MJ  |  Baby photographer Sugar Land

Want to book a newborn portrait session? Message me now

It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2019.

Visit MJ’s Photography


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Email me: [email protected]

Houston newborn photographer near me

MJ’s Photography is a Houston newborn photographer located in the Katy area.

Houston newborn photographer

Aaron Jody has the sweetest lips! Isn’t he perfect on cream?

Houston newborn photographer

He was not a fan of sleeping at first. I know he looks nice and peaceful in the top images…that was not the case at first! This little guy wanted to see exactly what was going on. Just look at those eyes.

Houston newborn photographer

I love awake shots. Sure the sleepy images are so adorable and sweet, but I also want to see those little eyes!

Houston newborn photographer

Look how cute he is in the potato pose? I am obsessed with that little smile.

Katy newborn photographer

I am obsessed with buckets! How perfect is he?

Houston newborn photographer

All of the details. Look at those lips.

Look at AJ in hunter green. I love his little bear bonnet.

Grandma brought this little outfit for him to wear.

Houston newborn photographer

I love his skin tone with the brown setups. His complexion is gorgeous. Look at those little toes.

Houston newborn photographer

MJ  |  Houston newborn photographer

Want to book a family portrait session? Message me now

It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2019.

Visit MJ’s Photography


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Email me: [email protected]

Katy baby photographers

MJ’s Photography is a Katy baby photographers in the Houston area.

Katy baby photographers

I have been capturing Jaxson since he was a newborn. I have loved seeing him grow through the years. He has to be the cutest baby I have ever seen! Look at those rolls.

Katy baby photographers

How can you even pick a favorite? I’m obsessed with them all. Those rolls and that smile! He even laughed out loud when he smiled!

Capturing Jaxson’s first birthday portraits was amazing. He was the happiest little guy and gave the most beautiful expressions.

He gave out the biggest laugh when I captured this one. Just look at those tummy rolls! I am in love.

Katy baby photographers

His little jeans with suspenders were just the cutest. I cannot handle those little teeth.

Katy baby photographers

Can you believe he is walking? I got so excited seeing him take off.

Momma got this portrait matted in a 16×20 reclaimed wood frame. I cannot wait to see it!

Katy baby photographers
Katy baby photographers – MJ’s Photography

Jaxson wasn’t sure about his cake. He did not think getting messy was all that it was cracked up to be!

Katy baby photographers

I adore his cake! His theme was dinosaurs.

Katy baby photographers

He did not want to eat it! We tried and tried but after one bite that was it!

Katy baby photographers

And that was a wrap.

Katy baby photographers

MJ  |  Katy baby photographers

Want to book a family portrait session? Message me now

It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2019.

Visit MJ’s Photography


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Email me: [email protected]

Family photography katy tx

MJ’s Photography does Family photography katy tx

Family photography katy tx

Melissa flew to Texas to visit a friend and then drove 3 hours to get her family portraits done. It was a pretty cold day, but both of her babies did great.

Isn’t he perfect? I took his two year portraits and now he is 4! Time sure does fly.

Family photography katy tx

Introducing little sister. I am in love with her hair.

Family photography katy tx
Family photography katy tx

Mom come the most gorgeous display of wood blocks for her home. I cannot wait to see them on her wall.

Family photography katy tx
Exclusive wood block products – Family photography katy tx _ MJ

Here are some more favorites from their family portrait session.

Family photography katy tx

Family portraits are so special. Little ones grow so fast and you want to make sure to capture them perfectly.

Family photography katy tx

They are so in love with their mommy. <3

Family photography katy tx

I love so many of their images. Such a gorgeous family! I cannot wait to see them again.

Family photography katy tx

MJ  |  Family photographer katy tx

Want to book a family portrait session? Message me now

It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2019.

Visit MJ’s Photography


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Email me: [email protected]

Maternity Sugar Land – MJ’s Photography

Maternity Sugar Land

MJ’s Photography is a maternity Sugar Land photographer located in the Katy area. If you are looking for a photographer who customizes your maternity portraits exactly to your vision, contact me now.

Maternity Sugar Land

Tabitha is expected her SIXTH baby this month! Cassie will be her 2nd baby girl. I cannot wait to meet her.

Maternity Sugar Land
Maternity Sugar Land – MJ’s Photography

Isn’t she gorgeous? She made this rust gown look soooo good! The forest gave such a golden look to the images, I am in love.

Tabitha is the mom behind Annie Banannie Clothing Line

Check out her gorgeous designs! She makes each outfit by hand. Her little girl clothes are gorgeous.

Maternity Sugar Land

Here she is wearing the royal blue gown. She really pops in the blue gown.

maternity Sugar land

Just in awe! Pregnant with baby number 6 and as gorgeous as ever.

Tabitha designed and created this red gown! It photographs gorgeously! I am obsessed! She looks like she is in a fairytale.

maternity Sugar land

Which gown was your favorite?

MJ  |  Maternity Sugar land

Want to book a newborn or maternity portrait session? Message me now

It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2025.

Visit MJ’s Photography


Visit me on Facebook!

Email me: [email protected]

Baby photographer near Katy TX- I can HEARTILY believe Brenna is 1

MJ’s Photography is a Baby photographer near Katy TX.

I can “HEARTILY believe Brenna is 1!”

Baby photographer near Katy TX

Sweet Brenna is 1 and I cannot believe it. Brenna is a heart warrior, so of course her theme had to include hearts!

Baby photographer near Katy TX

Isn’t she beautiful? She has the most perfect little features. We had to show off her scar. I hope she always knows how special that scar is, how tough is shows she is.

Miss Brenna drove 8 hours round trip for her first birthday portraits. She was a little nervous at first, but she warmed up. Mom says that she is used to being pricked and prodded, so it makes her nervous. Poor sweet girl!

Baby photographer near Katy TX
That tongue…that scar…that face

Baby photographer near Katy TX

Baby photographer near Katy TX
This is a favorite! Look at that little expression.

Cake Smash!

Baby photographer near Katy TX
Cake time. Baby photographer near Katy TX

Momma saved the top of her cake from her baby shower for Brenna’s 1st year cake smash session! How special is that? It makes it extra special.

Cypress photographer

Brenna was not the biggest fan of the cake, but most 1 year old are not. She still did so well and gave the cutest faces!

Cypress photographer
Baby photographer near Katy TX

Putting sweet baby girls in vintage dresses with bonnets just gives me all the feels.

Color or Black & White? I cannot choose.

Cypress photographer
Brenna – Baby photographer
Baby photographer near Katy TX
Baby photographer near Katy TX

MJ  |  Baby photographer near Katy TX

Want to book a newborn or first birthday portrait session? Message me now

It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2024.

Visit MJ’s Photography


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Email me: [email protected]

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