MJ creates beautiful Fulshear newborn portraits and is located in Katy Texas.
I was so excited when I met with Teddy’s mom before his session. She brought big brother along to the studio and I got to know him a little bit before hand. They are a military family and Dad would be getting out the week Teddy was born! Talk about stressful. Changing jobs, moving states, all with a newborn and a toddler! Whew! We had a week to fit him in, and I am so glad we were able to do it!
Of course since his name is Teddy, we had to do a setup in his newborn session with a teddy bear. Oh and dress him like a Teddy bear too! Look at those precious newborn lips!
Newborn sessions are my calling. When I get to meet these sweet babies, my mind and my heart work together to make each session unique and tailored to each baby.
Since Daddy was getting out of the military and big brother had his newborn session with Daddy’s gear, we had to do a military setup for Teddy. It’s hard to imagine that one day Teddy’s feet will fit into those boots.
Fulshear newborn portraits | MJ’s Photography
Sometimes sibling shots are the hardest. When Big brothers are toddlers, they are not quite sure what to expect with all of the changes. It took some time…and some goldfish, but we got it!
Fulshear newborn portraits by MJ
Do you know the feeling when you see your newborn baby smile? I get that same feeling when they smile on camera. Heart melted!
Newborn photos katy tx- MJ’s Photography serving the Central Texas and Houston areas.
When his mommy called inquiring about his newborn sessions, I was so excited! She had already bought a “Where the Wild Things Are” crown! Themes are so much fun, especially this one! We wanted to do something a little different than the normal set up, here is what we came up with!
Where the Wild Things Are – Newborn photos katy txLook at that sweet smile! MJ’s Photography
Daniel had so much hair! I absolutely love photographing newborns with lots of hair, its just the cutest! He was such a sleepy baby, the poses were endless with him. My favorite pose is the Taco Pose (I’m not sure who comes up with the newborn pose terms, it is definitely odd!) Below is an example of what I am talking about. Isn’t he the cutest?
Daniel in the Taco Pose- Newborn photos Houston tx | MJ’s PhotographyMJ’s Photography | Newborn photos katy tx
Newborn prop clothes are an addiction. I can’t help myself, I just adore them! I put him in some gray mohair pants and bonnet and we just swooned! But how could you not? He’s perfect!
Sometimes simple is best for newborns, minimal props and just letting them be. Daniel owned this image with his adorable smirk and those gorgeous lips!
I love this one in Black and White!
I always and I mean always have to do a swaddled up pose! It just reminds you of how small they are later on. Years from now, when you look back at your newborn’s portraits, you will truly see how much they have changed and how small they were! Newborn portraits are so important, they are typically done in the first 2 weeks!
Another shot I always get are their toes. I mean what is cuter than baby toes? Nothing! Gah they get me every time. So perfect and sweet.
Meet Joe! He was such a joy to photograph. He decided to come quite a bit early, two days before his Mommy’s Maternity session to be exact! He spent around a week in the NICU. He was 17 days old when we did his newborn session. His parents say that he is pretty alert for a newborn, but he just couldn’t resist with my tactics and was on his best behavior.
MJ’s Photography || Newborn photography Katy
Since he was sleeping so well, we posed him in a basket for his newborn portraits. I think three Joe’s could have fit inside the basket, he wasn’t quite 5 pounds yet! But with lots of fluff, he snuggled right up! I think he looks so handsome in blue.
I can’t resist newborn baby boys in a bonnet! Baby girls get the head pieces and tie backs, and little boys look adorable in knitted bonnets! I love how Joe’s little legs just curl up to his stomach!
For my sessions I provide all of the props and outfits! There is no need to bring anything, unless of course you want to!
How sweet is he in these teeny tiny overalls? I had purchased a new outfit for him to use, but he was just to teeny for it!
Mommy ordered her own special outfit for Joe’s Newborn Session! I was so excited to capture this adorable set up! Ninja Turtles!
newborn photoshoot near me
Look how sweet his hands are in this Ninja Turtle Portrait! Mommy and Daddy chose the top image to display on a unique wooden block for their wall! I cannot wait to see how their collage turns out! How could it not be great with how perfect this little guy is?
MJ’s Photography || Katy newborn photography
Here are a few more that I just have to share to with you. Joe was gifted this amazing quilt and I love that they brought it along for him to be photographed with it.
It’s never to early to book a newborn session! I have bookings out until the end of November! I only photograph two newborn sessions per week, so book now!
MJ does Family photography Houston texas and she truly loves capturing the precious memories of families.
The Skala family originally inquired about getting maternity portraits done with their 15 month old daughter, Vera. She also revealed that they were expecting twins, but were waiting to find out the gender of the two babies at birth! We set up a date and two days before their appointment, she went into labor. She delivered two beautiful baby girls! Babies do not wait for anything, not even for their mother to get her Maternity portraits taken.
We switched her maternity portrait session to a family portrait session and I was so excited to capture this truly amazing part of their lives. Three baby girls under the age of two!
MJ’s Photography | Family photography Houston texas
During their family portraits, all three baby girls did amazing. Mom and Dad were so proud of all three of their baby girls and it beamed through their faces. They sure do have a lot to be proud of!
MJ’s Photography | Family photography Houston texas
Capturing the true personalities of families is what I strive for. Anyone can press a button on a camera, but it takes a true professional to make the images come alive. To capture love, happiness, and images that deserve to hang for everyone to see. That is my goal for every family portrait session and why I take pride in being a family photographer! Of course the newborn photographer side of me just had to capture some of just the twins!
If you are looking for a family photographer to capture your family in the best way. For a photographer to create art for you to display proudly on your wall. For a photographer to create timeless memories that will be passed on from generation to generation, you have found her!
MJ’s Photography | Family photography Houston texas
The twins gorgeous head pieces were designed and created by Lucky Crickets. Check out her page, they are must have!
When I first met this amazing family back in October, they were a family of three and had just found out that they were expecting a new bundle of joy. Daddy was deploying within a week and half and they were moving back home for a while.
Fast forward to now, daddy got to come home and see Oliver for around 30 hours before he had to go back. I was overjoyed when she reached out to me to see if I was available to take Oliver’s newborn portraits.
He was a little over a week old during his newborn session. He took a little convincing, but he did settle and allow me to capture some amazing moments!
Oliver is even cute when he cries. MJ’s Photography | Weston lakes newborn photography
Since Daddy is in the Army, we had to include some military poses. Big sister Abigail had some done the same way when she was a newborn.
MJ does Newborn photography katy tx. I was scrolling through a moms group on Facebook one evening when I saw a post by a mother who had delivered her baby girl at 26 weeks. I had just recently moved to the area and didn’t know a lot of people, but I saw her post and I knew instantly that I wanted to offer to drive to Austin from Katy, Texas to photograph sweet Fay in the NICU. Right away Krystal responded with a yes! There were only certain times that Fay could be held. At 1 pound, you can imagine how fragile she was. If I am remembering correctly, it was around 11:30am when I got there. I remember scrubbing in to go into the NICU, talking to Fay’s dad beforehand, and then the first time I saw her. She was so tiny. She looked like a Barbie doll. But oh was she beautiful. I could see the personality in her right away! When Krystal finally got to hold her sweet girl, she busted into tears, which I did capture. What you don’t see, is me crying as well. I enjoy photographing newborns, this was a first for me.
Fay’s mom, Krystal, wrote a little bit about Fay’s story.
“Fay was born March 17, 2015 weighing only 1 lb 13 oz and 13 inches long. She was born at 26 weeks which is 14 weeks early. She spent 98 days in the NICU at St. Davids Medical Center in Austin. During that time she had 4 blood transfusion, was brought back to life on day 2, had a tear in her esophagus, was on a c-pap, NG tube to help her eat, got staff, and scolding skin. Fay stayed strong and on June 22, 2015 she came home. After bringing her home she had 3-4 doctors appointments a day until December of 2015. Fay had a NG tube(feeding tube) placed placed in September due to the fact that she was not growing as much as she should. After going through many different tests and seeing multiple doctors, the conclusion was made that Fay was going to be a slow growing baby. She would only gain 6-8 grams a day (average 20-30 grams a day) and had the NG tube removed. Now during all of this Fay has grown and developed beyond what anyone thought she ever would. She is eating one her own, crawling, has one doctors appointment a week, and is slowly catching up with babies her age. Some of her favorite things to do are feeding herself, chasing her two dogs around the house, getting into whatever she can, splashing in the bath, being read and sang to, and most of all she loves exploring the world around her. It truly is a blessing to get to watch her grow and become her own person.”
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
I had kept in contact with them after the session and we discussed her newborn session. I was so excited to be her Newborn photography katy tx. After Fay’s 98 days in the NICU, she finally came home. That very next day, they brought her to my in-home studio for her newborn portrait session. I was overjoyed to see her and enjoyed her session so much! I finally got to hold her!
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Fast forward to now. I was honored to be chosen as the Newborn photography katy tx to capture Fay’s First Birthday portraits. She was born on St. Patricks day, which you will see in her portraits. We took them in a gorgeous field in Katy, Texas. She is 14 pounds and doing great!
Here are some images from her First Birthday and Cake smash session!
MJ does Houston newborn photos. I live for the sweet baby poses. I had the honor of taking Tyler’s newborn portraits. He was 8 days old at the time of his shoot. His big sister, Emma, is two and was amazing for newborn and sibling shots.
He wasn’t having the sleeping part at the beginning, but I love awake shots just as much as those sleepy poses. If you do not know how to swaddle, learn! It is so important for those times where baby just wants to be awake. Embrace it. He was awake for a good solid hour. We went ahead and did sibling shots, family shots, and then moved on to swaddled poses.
Baby Tyler was awake for a good portion of his Newborn session. How could you not love those eyes? Houston newborn photos
Newborn photography is unpredictable. You can have a plan, but that doesn’t mean you will get to follow it. The babies run the show, we just follow their lead. You have to learn to be able to adapt to any situation and learn how to pose each individual baby. Once Tyler fell asleep, he let me pose him whichever way I wanted. So we did around 5 poses in 30 minutes. Just in time for him to have to go, if you know what I mean, and wake himself up!
Here is one of my favorite shots from Tyler’s newborn portrait session at my in home studio in Houston Texas. The taco pose. This pose is no easy task, if you have tried it, then you know!
Tyler’s newborn portraits. The taco pose. Newborn photography tyler tx
Another helpful tip. Do not get frustrated or stressed. The newborn can sense this and it will only make matters worse. Stay calm, play white noise, keep it warm, and if all else fails, swaddle them up!
Here are some more images from Tyler’s newborn session. I love changing out wraps and poses.
Houston newborn photos
Most of all. Remember to be safe. No pose is worth the risk.
I am a Weston lakes newborn portraits. Alisia was such a doll during her newborn session. Her mommy traveled from Temple, Texas. She slept so well and even at the very end when she was awake, she had the cutest expressions! Daddy wasn’t able to make it down to Killeen, but he was so in love with the portraits of his brand new daughter. <3
I typically do all of my newborn sessions under two weeks of age. When babies are under two weeks, they go into these nice sleepy poses pretty easily. The older they get, the more alert they become. I have an in home studio in Katy Texas, which is where I photograph newborns and their families.
Newborn photography is such a wonderful way to capture those adorable early moments in your baby’s life!
Here are some of Alisia’s newborn portraits at two weeks old.
MJ’s Photography does Weston lakes newborn portrait in the Katy/Houston area. Are you looking for a newborn photographer near Katy? Contact me now!
Rosemary is the 3rd little girl born to this amazing family! She was such a sweetheart and gave me quite a few smiles! She was born on December 23rd and was a week old on her session date. She loved to be swaddled as most babies do 😉 Isn’t her smile the cutest thing? She did the biggest wink and smile!
I had to get it printed on a professional canvas to display at the local ultrasound place in Katy! Stork Vision.
Even if your baby is a little older than the typical 2 week newborn session, I can help! We can still get a lot of poses that your little one will go into. Don’t give up on that newborn session! We can do it together!
Are you looking for a newborn photographer near Katy? – MJ’s Photography
Want to see more current newborn sessions in Katy? Take a look Here
Want to book a newborn portrait session? Message me now!
You can also view more of my portfolio at any of the links below. I have a Facebook and Instagram full of newborn pictures.