When I first met this amazing family back in October, they were a family of three and had just found out that they were expecting a new bundle of joy. Daddy was deploying within a week and half and they were moving back home for a while.
Fast forward to now, daddy got to come home and see Oliver for around 30 hours before he had to go back. I was overjoyed when she reached out to me to see if I was available to take Oliver’s newborn portraits.
He was a little over a week old during his newborn session. He took a little convincing, but he did settle and allow me to capture some amazing moments!
Oliver is even cute when he cries. MJ’s Photography | Weston lakes newborn photography
Since Daddy is in the Army, we had to include some military poses. Big sister Abigail had some done the same way when she was a newborn.
MJ does Newborn photography katy tx. I was scrolling through a moms group on Facebook one evening when I saw a post by a mother who had delivered her baby girl at 26 weeks. I had just recently moved to the area and didn’t know a lot of people, but I saw her post and I knew instantly that I wanted to offer to drive to Austin from Katy, Texas to photograph sweet Fay in the NICU. Right away Krystal responded with a yes! There were only certain times that Fay could be held. At 1 pound, you can imagine how fragile she was. If I am remembering correctly, it was around 11:30am when I got there. I remember scrubbing in to go into the NICU, talking to Fay’s dad beforehand, and then the first time I saw her. She was so tiny. She looked like a Barbie doll. But oh was she beautiful. I could see the personality in her right away! When Krystal finally got to hold her sweet girl, she busted into tears, which I did capture. What you don’t see, is me crying as well. I enjoy photographing newborns, this was a first for me.
Fay’s mom, Krystal, wrote a little bit about Fay’s story.
“Fay was born March 17, 2015 weighing only 1 lb 13 oz and 13 inches long. She was born at 26 weeks which is 14 weeks early. She spent 98 days in the NICU at St. Davids Medical Center in Austin. During that time she had 4 blood transfusion, was brought back to life on day 2, had a tear in her esophagus, was on a c-pap, NG tube to help her eat, got staff, and scolding skin. Fay stayed strong and on June 22, 2015 she came home. After bringing her home she had 3-4 doctors appointments a day until December of 2015. Fay had a NG tube(feeding tube) placed placed in September due to the fact that she was not growing as much as she should. After going through many different tests and seeing multiple doctors, the conclusion was made that Fay was going to be a slow growing baby. She would only gain 6-8 grams a day (average 20-30 grams a day) and had the NG tube removed. Now during all of this Fay has grown and developed beyond what anyone thought she ever would. She is eating one her own, crawling, has one doctors appointment a week, and is slowly catching up with babies her age. Some of her favorite things to do are feeding herself, chasing her two dogs around the house, getting into whatever she can, splashing in the bath, being read and sang to, and most of all she loves exploring the world around her. It truly is a blessing to get to watch her grow and become her own person.”
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
I had kept in contact with them after the session and we discussed her newborn session. I was so excited to be her Newborn photography katy tx. After Fay’s 98 days in the NICU, she finally came home. That very next day, they brought her to my in-home studio for her newborn portrait session. I was overjoyed to see her and enjoyed her session so much! I finally got to hold her!
Newborn photography katy tx
Newborn photography katy tx
Fast forward to now. I was honored to be chosen as the Newborn photography katy tx to capture Fay’s First Birthday portraits. She was born on St. Patricks day, which you will see in her portraits. We took them in a gorgeous field in Katy, Texas. She is 14 pounds and doing great!
Here are some images from her First Birthday and Cake smash session!
MJ’s Photography is one of Fulshear newborn photographers. Are you looking to capture your newborn baby? Make sure you hire a professional newborn photographer. A newborn photographer will provide all of the props, outfits, and accessories for your session.
Talia was one week old for her newborn shoot and weighed in at 8lb and 12 ounces at birth! Mommy requested for her to have something Christmas and some purples! I love how her images turned out and so did they! <3
Want to book a session with MJ’s Photography? Message me now!
Do you like the awake newborn shots or the sleepy poses during the newborn sessions? I try to capture both for all of my clients. It’s good to have a mixture of poses and colors.
She was a Christmas month baby, so we had to make it special with some christmas decor!
Newborn sessions are done under 14 days old, so don’t wait to book your newborn photos! Some instances, babies have to be captured older than 2 weeks old and that is ok. I have done a lot of older newborns, don’t wait to reach out.
Katy, TX Newborn Photography, Studio Newborn Session
One of the best compliments I can get as a newborn photographer in Fulshear TX is to have the honor of photographing families year after year-long after their newborn portrait session! Check out some family sessions here.
MJ’s Photography does Weston lakes newborn portrait in the Katy/Houston area. Are you looking for a newborn photographer near Katy? Contact me now!
Rosemary is the 3rd little girl born to this amazing family! She was such a sweetheart and gave me quite a few smiles! She was born on December 23rd and was a week old on her session date. She loved to be swaddled as most babies do 😉 Isn’t her smile the cutest thing? She did the biggest wink and smile!
I had to get it printed on a professional canvas to display at the local ultrasound place in Katy! Stork Vision.
Even if your baby is a little older than the typical 2 week newborn session, I can help! We can still get a lot of poses that your little one will go into. Don’t give up on that newborn session! We can do it together!
Are you looking for a newborn photographer near Katy? – MJ’s Photography
Want to see more current newborn sessions in Katy? Take a look Here
Want to book a newborn portrait session? Message me now!
You can also view more of my portfolio at any of the links below. I have a Facebook and Instagram full of newborn pictures.