Elise is one! MJ’s Photography – Houston baby photographer
Somehow I blinked and my newborn baby is turning one years old. How does that happen? It can’t be!
It is the eve of her first birthday and as I sit and look through all of her birth and newborn pictures, I wonder just where the time has gone. An entire year has went by. I cannot wrap my head around it. They always tell you that the years are short when you have kids, they are right. They are so very short.
Elise is such a joy. She loves to laugh, smile, crawl, and get into mischief. She is the light of the room. She looks up to her big sister and her big sister could not love anyone more. I love seeing them together. Houston baby photographer
She is just under 20lb. She still doesn’t have any teeth! Not a one! She is taking steps, but doesn’t fully walk. That doesn’t stop her, she crawls up playscapes and all over the yard. She is into everything. She can climb and she can climb up high. She says Mamma, Dada, Bye bye, Emma, and night night. She plays peek a boo, hide and seek, chasing after her big sister, and she loves her animals. She sleeps from 6pm to almost 8am. She is still taking two naps, this girl loves her sleep. She will eat anything you put in front of her. No teeth, but can eat anything! I’m amazed. She is such a blessing to us.
Each month I captured her little personality. This cake smash was a blast.

We did two cake smashes. I can’t help myself. Enjoy!
MJ’s Photography

MJ – Houston baby photographer
Romper by Annie Banannie clothing
Flowers by Lucky Crickets
Cake by The Southern Fried mama