Rhett’s Adoption. MJ’s Photography – Houston Photographer

3.5 years…. 42 months…. roughly 1,260 days…. It took less time than many couples who are plagued with infertility to have a child, but we still felt every moment of that wait. After trying to conceive with IVF last spring and being told at 32 that my egg quality was similar to that of a woman ten years my senior, we immediately decided to pursue adoption.

We became active with our agency August 9, 2018, just four months after our failed transfer. In January 2019 we attempted to get licensed with a foster care agency because there was 5 year old girl we desperately wanted to adopt- Aubrey. I had dreams for months after our IVF transfer that had a little girl, about 5 years old, that was our daughter. When I saw Aubrey’s face in a news story searching for an adoptive home I immediately recognized it. It was her. The little girl in my dreams…. our daughter. Since the embryo we transferred was a female, I had always assumed the connection was my subconscious telling me she was okay and that it was okay for us to continue to pursue adoption. When I saw her face everything in my soul told me this was more than a coincidence. We put our names on hold with our agency and decided to pursue foster-to-adopt in the hopes that we could become Aubrey’s parents. I just KNEW that she was meant to be ours. She resembled me when I was little in addition to being identical to the girl in my dreams. Getting licensed through foster care takes months and by the time we were close to having everything completed, a home had been selected for Aubrey. We were heartbroken. We called our agency and asked to have our names put back on their list in March. She told us the previous two months had been a very busy time with the agency and that she had placed multiple children in that time frame. I remember being so frustrated with our detour and doubting our decision to take a two month hiatus.
MJ’s Photography – Houston Photographer

On April 23 my husband and I were both at work and I got a call. I didn’t recognize the number and I was in a patient’s room so I did not answer. I finished up with my patient and went into the break room to check my voicemail. It was our agency asking me to call back ASAP. My heart was racing as I hit redial. She didn’t answer. I was so anxious that I could barely catch my breath when the number showed up on my caller ID again. I answered with my voice quivering as she told me about a “unique situation” she had and asked if we would be open to it. It wasn’t an infant, but it was a little boy that was 5 months old. She had already talked to my husband (which is why she didn’t answer the phone when I called) and he said he would rather her talk to me about it. To spare details I will say the adoption had some risk of us not being able to keep him.
It was a risk I was ready to take without hesitation.

My very logical husband wanted to discuss every angle and possibility, but ultimately said the decision was mine. I called the agency back and asked when we could pick him up. We drove 3.5 hours each way to pick him up the very next day and he has been our son since the moment we laid eyes on him. Legally we remained in a risk period until the end of August so the first four months we were on pins and needles waiting for a call that could potentially turn our wold upside down- either we would be able to keep him through the next legal step, or that we would have to return him to his birth family. We soaked up every moment we could with him.
When the end of August came and we finally finished the legal battles, there was an overwhelming sense of relief. In the state of Texas it’s required that a child live in your home for six months before you can finalize their adoption. October 24 marked six months and the judge ordered that he was officially our son on November 7, 2019. The wait was long and we doubted ourselves and our decisions at every turn, but ultimately we had to endure it all.

Every little turn, every detour, every time we felt we took one step forward and two steps back- it was all part of the journey to our son.
Our perfect baby boy who has his Papa’s grin and my innate ability to fall asleep 3 seconds into a car ride- just one different step or hesitation could have thrown us off our course to him. We are thankful for every second of this journey, thankful for every sign that the universe sent telling us to keep going and not doubt ourselves, and thankful for the love and support our family and friends have shown and continue to show for us and our son.
Most especially we are grateful to his birth momma, C, who put his needs before her own and made one of the most difficult decisions a mother can ever have to make. We cannot imagine life without this precious gift that she so selflessly gave us, and she will always have a place in our hearts!
Here is the adoption day through pictures! MJ- Houston Photographer
Waiting for the Judge to come make us official!
It is TIME!!!
When they asked “Are you ready to be his mommy forever?” We all teared up. She didn’t hesitate and said YES!!!!
MJ- Houston Photographer
Adoption day- Houston photographer

and some cute baby booty to make your day amazing. <3
To learn more about adoption in Texas- Visit here
It is never to early to book. I am booking into January of 2020.