MJ’s Photography is a Houston newborn photographer located in the Katy area.

Aaron Jody has the sweetest lips! Isn’t he perfect on cream?

He was not a fan of sleeping at first. I know he looks nice and peaceful in the top images…that was not the case at first! This little guy wanted to see exactly what was going on. Just look at those eyes.

I love awake shots. Sure the sleepy images are so adorable and sweet, but I also want to see those little eyes!

Look how cute he is in the potato pose? I am obsessed with that little smile.

I am obsessed with buckets! How perfect is he?

All of the details. Look at those lips.

Look at AJ in hunter green. I love his little bear bonnet.

Grandma brought this little outfit for him to wear.

I love his skin tone with the brown setups. His complexion is gorgeous. Look at those little toes.

MJ | Houston newborn photographer
Want to book a family portrait session? Message me now
It is never to early to book. I am booking into July 2019.